How LENGA Delivers
Cotton Supply Side
LENGA CONSOLIDATED procures cotton directly from cotton growers through their respective cooperative unions or associations. However ING’ASI is in the process of acquiring a farmland of between 6000 acres and 10000 acres in order to engage directly in the production. ING’ASI believes that by so doing, there will be better control of the supply side in terms of quality and quantity.
Tanzanian cotton is principally traditional although organic cotton has been introduced in recent years.
Quality Control
The Tanzania Cotton Board is the Government entity vested with the regulatory mandate and quality certifier by issuing the CQC; SGS is the international quality control body present in Tanzania.
Cotton is grown in two main areas in Tanzania categorized as the West Cotton Growing Area (WCGA) and the East Cotton Growing Area (ECGA). Ing’asi procures cotton from WCGA, more specifically from Simiyu, Tanzania’s largest cotton producing region and the Mara region, once direct production will be made possible.
Current Market
Whilst LENGA aims to expand its market base, at present its export market is Bangladesh, China, Mauritius, Portugal and Vietnam through international buyers.
Processing (Ginning)
LENGA plans to acquire a ginning factory in Mara. Our company will therefore procure, process, pack and export cotton lint from our factory.